Advanced Strategies for minimizing Denials and winning Appeals

In the world of medical billing, where the standard procedures for managing insurance denials are well-known. However, if you’re reading this, you’re not satisfied with just ‘standard’. You want to excel, to outperform, and to ensure maximum success in the appeals process.

Maximizing MIPS Scores with Minimal Effort

As an experienced practice manager, you’re likely familiar with the intricacies of MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System) and its impact on your practice – particularly if you’re in musculoskeletal specialties like orthopedics, podiatry, or physiatry.

In pursuit of a beautiful system

At Populate, building software follows a “north star” principle: writing minimal code that is hard to break yet flexible to adaptation. In this article, I will share some of the ideas in software engineering we are experimenting with to build a quality system.